My take on everything and anything.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I was speaking to my dad about things in general and he told me two stories about exam questions that stumped people. One of these questions is a real thinker and that is the one I will tell you now.

A student going for his Masters Degree in Philosophy was writing his final exam one day. He got through all the questions with little trouble and turned to the last page. On the page was written one word. A one word question. Why? Without thinking he wrote down the answer "Why not?"

He received 100% on that answer.

Think about it and comment.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

What is wrong with Us

As most informed people know, after WW2 there was a baby boom. All the soldiers were coming home and wanted to you know... with their wives and thus there was a spring in child production. That period somehow lasted until 1966 in the states an 67 in Canada. After the baby boomers, there was generation X which was basically where people stopped wanting to have tons of kids. That period lasted until 1980. After that there was a third demographic change, Generation Y. I'm what is called a Gen Y Echo because I was born in the Generation Y era (1980-1996) but my dad was a Boomer. Now my question is what the hell is wrong with "Gen Y"s. We are the trophy generation. That means two thing. One, for some reason our parents have put us up on a pedestal and are totally overprotective. The other is that there is no such thing as losing anymore. If you are a participant in house league sports than you know what I mean. No matter what happens you will always receive a trophy. Whether you win all your games or win none you'll always get a trophy saying that you are good.Also you can no longer receive and F in school because it "implies stupidity" and it makes kids "lose self esteem". What the hell is wrong with us. Our parents (no matter how geeky they may seem today) were tough. They would do things that were bad for them and somehow they survived. My dad has said on many occasions that he cant believe how people of his generation survived. He never wore a bike helmet, he climbed trees he was reckless and somehow he survived. If you can answer my question then your smarter then me because I just don't get why we let our parents coddle us like this.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Christianity (I know this is the third time)

I've been thinking quite a lot lately about how Christians of all denominations put their trust and faith into what the bible says. How the bible is the word of god and is 100% true in all ways. Well my problem with that is how no one can know what really happened in those days. We have to take the word of old priests and politicians who used Jesus Christ's teaching to control the people. I have made a choice in recent months when it comes to these things. I choose to put my faith in God not in the bible. The bible is obviously a tainted document because of how many different languages and people it has been passed down through. There are other documents such as the gnostic gospels that in my opinion show a more realistic view of how everything went down all those years ago. I think that if you put your faith into what makes as much sense as any of this can then god will be pleased.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Is ignorance really bliss?

I've done a lot of thinking over the past years sue to my enormous amounts of time alone. And as I have mentioned in my realization posts I realized that when parents describe the world to their children at younger ages it is made out to be a very happy place. Then around the time kids start becoming news conscious (13-15) they realize this to be a lie. Well, the question I've been asking myself lately is, is ignorance really bliss. Is it a good thing to let a child's first decade be as happy as possible.

On the plus side it gives kids a time to be kids. No pressure on their shoulders. They can be as happily ignorant as possible. But the problem with that is that it means that any big decisions (regarding religion, politics, or other matters of the sort) that are made during that time stay with them for the rest of their lives. That in turn means that any adult with any intentions (good or bad) could influence these kids to make bad decisions.

So to conclude I would say that it is not bliss. It can be a good thing so that stress begins when it should but the pro's of keeping kids informed out weigh the cons.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Why there will never be peace in the mideast

A question that has been on many minds over the past two decades is when will there be peace in the middle east. The answer in my eyes is never. The reason I say that has nothing to do with the fact that they are Muslims. The reason is that there is one fundamental difference in between the west/Europe/China/Russia and the middle east, escalation. The previously mentioned countries have all striven for escalation. They need more. The middle east found a way to live and no matter how barbaric we find it, it works for them. So when we came along with our very sophisticated way of living, they became incredibly xenophobic. That is the reason that there will never be peace in the mid east. There wont be a chance. We made such a fuss about them being barbaric that we invited people like Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (the president of Iran), Mohammed Omar (leader of the Taliban) and others like them to start a war that wont stop until one side blows the other into oblivion. I'm sorry if anyone is offended by this but it is true. We will never have true peace in the mid east.

About Me

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Hi I'm Jon, an aspiring journalist from Ontario Canada

Television Episodes Hall of Fame

  • Family Ties Speed Trap
  • The Pretender Murder 101
  • House Birthmarks
  • House Alone
  • House The Jerk
  • House Skin Deep
  • House Three Stories
  • Friends The Last One
  • Friends The One With the Football
  • Friends The One With All the Poker
  • Friends The Pilot (The One Where It all Began)
  • Friends The One with the Embryos
  • Star Trek Enterprise In a Mirror Darkly
  • Star Trek Voyager Scorpion
  • Star Trek TNG All Good Things...
  • Star Trek TNG Cause and Effect