My take on everything and anything.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Im Leaving Blogspot

Sorry but because of the lack of followers i am joining Tumblr. For those of you who do read here id the new URL

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Rise and Fall of the Neander-Con

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we are all sitting front row for one of the shortest political movements in history. The neo-conservative movement really started in the early 90's with the creation of the Reform party, led by Preston Manning. They were a young group of right wing politicians who were very traditional in their political ideologies. They were seen as an alternative to the less right wing PC party of the time (led by Brian Mulroney). These neo-cons were eventually turned into the Canadian Alliance which were just the same party, re packaged to be more socially viable. This group is also where our current Prime Minister Stephen Harper got his political start. Anyways, this ultra conservative group of politicians believed in possibly the worst kind of economics in the history of the subject, supply side economics. It goes something like this; when the government cuts taxes, people have more money, people spend more money, the companies who's products are being purchased have to produce more, for this they need more workers, with more workers people pay more taxes, more people pay taxes the government gets more money. Now on the outside that is a great idea but when used practically, it fails every time. Reagan tried it, Mulroney tried it, Bush tried it, and now Harper is trying it and every time it just screws up the economy even more.

So that is the rise, now for the fall. These neo-cons (or neander-cons) are currently in power here in Canada and their Economic policy is the least of their troubles. The Conservative party has been screwing up with each of it's cabinet ministers since Bernier. All they care about is their election results. They should care about experiences and smarts in their cabinet ministers but for some reason they think that every young neo-con will be the next Barack Obama. There was Maxime Bernier who forgot a confidential document at his girlfriends house. There was Raitt who's assistant left a document at a televisions station and then talked about the Chalk River isotope problem as politically "sexy". Not caring about all the cancer patients who have to wait for tests, but caring about political gain. Then there was Baird who denied Toronto's application for street car funds because it "was not prepared properly" when it has been verified by experts. Then there was Flaherty and the big man himself, Harper. With their lies and denials of this economic crisis they have done more harm then good.

As I said at the beginning, we are sitting front row for history in the making. This political movement will not last long. The next election will show the end of this and Harper is going to have to find another way to try and get back in power again.

Friday, June 5, 2009

What Makes Us Human

Last night I was having a very good intelligent discussion with my friend Cole (he shares my music blog with me). We were talking about what happened 20 years ago, yesterday. Of course I am referring to the Tiananmen Square Protests, and their culmination on June fourth. This event is one of the most covered stories in history. The Chinese government has been covering it up for 20 years now even though the rest of world knows the history. I sent Cole a picture of "Tank Man" because it is (in my opinion) very inspirational. Well, Cole agreed and he made a comment that went something like this, "That guy fought every natural instinct we have as humans. Every instinct in his body." That made a click in my mind. It was as though a light bulb turned on in my head. To explain what the realization was I have to tell another story.

As many of you know I have a bit of a grudge against animal rights activists. Well because of this my animal rights friends and I have very good (if not heated) discussions about a variety of topics concerning animals. Well a place where the discussions get stuck is when we start to talk about how humans are animals. My stance on that is always that we may be part of the animal kingdom but we are not animals. My usual defense behind that is how humans are capable of rational thought and they always just return with how we are a barbaric race. Well, because of my discussion with Cole I found another point to back my defense. Other than rational thought, there is another human attribute that separates us from the animals, and it is shown perfectly in this picture...

Courage, in the face of certain death. The ability to stand up for something you believe in an instance when you know that you are going to die. Being able to fight off every survival instinct in your body to do something that might not even help your cause. This is what makes us human. Looking past the here and now, and looking to what will make a better future.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Strike Number (how many does this make now?)

Mr Harper, how could you be so foolish? You already have all the opposition parties scrutinizing you for various reasons (i.e. the budget, the spending of the budget, the prorogation of parliament). Why do you need to continue to give them fire. Obviously I am talking about the incident with cabinet minister Raitt. Her aide left a sensitive document at an Ottawa television station, and she is being called on to resign her cabinet post. Well it would seem that she offered her resignation but the Prime Minister refused it. I know I'm a liberal and should be rejoicing in Harper's stupidity but now it's just getting annoying. He should have just accepted the resignation then the political situation might be able to smooth out for just a few weeks. But no, he has to add more fuel to the fire and just keep a doomed minister on. Can he help creating controversy or does he have some ulterior motive. Alas we will probably never know.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My Problem with Mr Flaherty

I know I'm about a week late on this issue but this is my blog so ha ha. The Canadian federal deficit has been raised to 50 billion dollars. That is an extra 16 billion dollars from the budget announced in January. 16 billion dollars. Wow that seems like a lot, and it is. It is roughly (I'm not sure so don't quote me) 3.4% of the national GDP. When you look at it that way then it doesn't look as bad. It's still really huge, but it's not as big as it could be. So after saying that, I still have a problem with this whole budget hoopla. It is how the Prime Minister and the Federal Budget Minister handled the situation. Going back a bit over a year from now, Economists were predicting hard economic times coming soon (nothing compared to what actually happened, but hard times none the less). The party in charge of this country did nothing to try and prevent it. Then when the economic downturn hit us hard in September and October, they denied the almost certain recession and decided to call an election. During the whole election they continued to deny an oncoming recession. It wasn't until after the election that they acknowledged it and even then they decided to do nothing. The December fiscal update had no plans for economic stimulus. Eventually, from the threat of the new Liberal Party leader (Michael Ignatieff) they created a budget (a red one at that) with a 34 billion dollar deficit. Finally some truth, right? Not just last week Jim Flaherty came out and said that the deficit would be closer to 50 billion. That is my problem. He lied and denied and lied and denied. If he had had this number in the January budget then I would not be nearly as upset as I am. But he did not. He lied and deserves to pay with his job.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

TORONTO Cyclists Inched Ahead

Another big discussion point on the news lately has been the new Bike Lanes being added to Jarvis St in Toronto. Many car drivers have been coming to the city council meetings expressing their dissatisfaction with the city's choice to create bike lanes due to the effect that it will have on traffic. Another of their arguments for their point has been how when they drive they never see cyclists on the road. Well no **** Sherlock I wouldn't want to ride a remote control bike in Toronto. The dangers totally outweigh the environmental pros. It's practically suicide.
One other thing that the anti bike lane people can not seem to realize is that oil and other fossil fuels are one of the main causes of the recession we are in. Sure everyone says that they want to save the environment in a survey but to get people to leave their cars at home and to start using public transit and bikes, you need to drag them kicking and screaming. We have the public transit, we have the workers but some people still wont go. The solution, raise parking taxes and gas prices. Add bike lanes to make the public transit system faster then cars. Make it a hell of a lot cheaper and faster to take public transit then to drive their cars. This is also one way of helping the crisis were in right now. Get rid of our dependency on oil and you get a lot of things falling into place. Less obesity because people get more exercise. More help for small family owned companies because they become more accessible to people who are walking and taking the TTC everywhere. These are only a few examples of what can happen when we get rid of our dependency on fossil fuels.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Good Job Governor General

A big topic on the international stage over the past couple of days has been Governor General Jean's actions on her trip to Nunavut. The action that has caused a huge hoopla across the world was... wait for it... participating in an Inuit ritual and eating a piece of seal heart. Wow, umm I don't get it. The liaison to the head of state participated in a cultural ritual and she is being criticized for it.

For god's sake animal rights people, UNCLENCH. For some unknown reason, the entire animal right community have been getting into a hissy fit because they think that the Governor General is sympathising with the commercial seal hunt. There was no secret agenda. She went up there because it's a part of her job. She was offered a piece of meat. She ate it and she liked it. I fail to see how this innocent act has any kind of secret agenda behind it, and I fail to see how boycotting Canadian Maple Syrup is going to help anything. I think that all the propaganda behind this issue is just that, propaganda.

Last night I sent in an E-mail to The National on CBC and I'd like to share it with you.

"I have a few things to say on this topic. I would love to ask some of these animal rights activists if they have something against Canada. These people seem to just bash and bash Inuit Canadians when there are people in other countries that eat Horse and Dog. How come these cultures aren't being criticized when the Inuit people of Canada's are. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against any culture. I'm sure there are people in other countries who think similarly about some of our eating habits. So I would just like to say that these activists should leave it alone and that Governor General Jean did a great thing eating that heart. She showed exactly what Canada's stance on this issue should be."

This basically sums up my views on this point so I just have one last thing to say to the animal rights people. I don't care what your views on right and wrong are, you have absolutely no right to interfere with cultural traditions.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Picket Line

You've seen it in the movies. The picket line; in between Pro Life and Pro Choice, Pro LGBT and Pro Family, Pro Church and Pro State. It's everywhere. No matter how far away you try to look there is nowhere on earth where you can escape these types of debates, believe me I've tried. The one thing that I found odd, aside from all of them stemming from a religious perspective, is how moronic some of these debates can be. For instance, the Pro Life vs Pro Choice debate. You have one side that is saying that no woman should ever be allowed the choice of aborting they're pregnancy and another side that says all women should have the choice to abort. My question to the pro life side has always been, "Where did you get the nerve to intrude onto these women's personal lives?" They are independent and smart (there are always exceptions) people who have every right to do what ever they want to they're bodies. Another question to that side (especially in the U.S) is, "Have you read the bill of rights recently?" It is clearly stated in the first amendment to the constitution (and I quote) "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." If your not up on your liguistics and definitions of that time it means Congress will not make a law that takes a religion's point of view on a topic rather than doing what is best for the people of the country. QED the church has no buisness in the bedrooms or abortion clinics of people.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

A little History Lesson

I've been doing some research on WW2 lately and I've made some astounding discoveries. First of all; Hitler was not an idiot, or at least not in the beginning. Before he became corrupt with power during the war Hitler did amazing things for Germany. He gave them a fairly stable economy and brought the people together in a way very few politicians have ever been able to do. The other thing I noticed was what his three crucial mistakes were during the war. The first was how he dealt with Great Britain. It can be argued that if Hitler had continued his bombing of British air fields he might have won the war. Instead he changed his tactics to bombing the major cities in England and gave the Brits time to regroup. The second was declaring way against Russia. He made the same mistake Napoleon made. He thought that he could handle the frigid winters and harsh conditions and take the largest piece of land the world had to offer. Obviously he couldn't and he had to retreat. His third mistake was probably his biggest. After Pearl Harbor and the Us declaration of war against Japan, Germany declared War on the United States. This put Nazi Germany against Britain, the US, Russia, Canada, and all of the underground rebellion movements in the countries they invaded. There was no chance at victory at that point. I think that most people can agree that those were the most crucial mistakes and that it is a great thing that he made them.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I was speaking to my dad about things in general and he told me two stories about exam questions that stumped people. One of these questions is a real thinker and that is the one I will tell you now.

A student going for his Masters Degree in Philosophy was writing his final exam one day. He got through all the questions with little trouble and turned to the last page. On the page was written one word. A one word question. Why? Without thinking he wrote down the answer "Why not?"

He received 100% on that answer.

Think about it and comment.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

What is wrong with Us

As most informed people know, after WW2 there was a baby boom. All the soldiers were coming home and wanted to you know... with their wives and thus there was a spring in child production. That period somehow lasted until 1966 in the states an 67 in Canada. After the baby boomers, there was generation X which was basically where people stopped wanting to have tons of kids. That period lasted until 1980. After that there was a third demographic change, Generation Y. I'm what is called a Gen Y Echo because I was born in the Generation Y era (1980-1996) but my dad was a Boomer. Now my question is what the hell is wrong with "Gen Y"s. We are the trophy generation. That means two thing. One, for some reason our parents have put us up on a pedestal and are totally overprotective. The other is that there is no such thing as losing anymore. If you are a participant in house league sports than you know what I mean. No matter what happens you will always receive a trophy. Whether you win all your games or win none you'll always get a trophy saying that you are good.Also you can no longer receive and F in school because it "implies stupidity" and it makes kids "lose self esteem". What the hell is wrong with us. Our parents (no matter how geeky they may seem today) were tough. They would do things that were bad for them and somehow they survived. My dad has said on many occasions that he cant believe how people of his generation survived. He never wore a bike helmet, he climbed trees he was reckless and somehow he survived. If you can answer my question then your smarter then me because I just don't get why we let our parents coddle us like this.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Christianity (I know this is the third time)

I've been thinking quite a lot lately about how Christians of all denominations put their trust and faith into what the bible says. How the bible is the word of god and is 100% true in all ways. Well my problem with that is how no one can know what really happened in those days. We have to take the word of old priests and politicians who used Jesus Christ's teaching to control the people. I have made a choice in recent months when it comes to these things. I choose to put my faith in God not in the bible. The bible is obviously a tainted document because of how many different languages and people it has been passed down through. There are other documents such as the gnostic gospels that in my opinion show a more realistic view of how everything went down all those years ago. I think that if you put your faith into what makes as much sense as any of this can then god will be pleased.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Is ignorance really bliss?

I've done a lot of thinking over the past years sue to my enormous amounts of time alone. And as I have mentioned in my realization posts I realized that when parents describe the world to their children at younger ages it is made out to be a very happy place. Then around the time kids start becoming news conscious (13-15) they realize this to be a lie. Well, the question I've been asking myself lately is, is ignorance really bliss. Is it a good thing to let a child's first decade be as happy as possible.

On the plus side it gives kids a time to be kids. No pressure on their shoulders. They can be as happily ignorant as possible. But the problem with that is that it means that any big decisions (regarding religion, politics, or other matters of the sort) that are made during that time stay with them for the rest of their lives. That in turn means that any adult with any intentions (good or bad) could influence these kids to make bad decisions.

So to conclude I would say that it is not bliss. It can be a good thing so that stress begins when it should but the pro's of keeping kids informed out weigh the cons.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Why there will never be peace in the mideast

A question that has been on many minds over the past two decades is when will there be peace in the middle east. The answer in my eyes is never. The reason I say that has nothing to do with the fact that they are Muslims. The reason is that there is one fundamental difference in between the west/Europe/China/Russia and the middle east, escalation. The previously mentioned countries have all striven for escalation. They need more. The middle east found a way to live and no matter how barbaric we find it, it works for them. So when we came along with our very sophisticated way of living, they became incredibly xenophobic. That is the reason that there will never be peace in the mid east. There wont be a chance. We made such a fuss about them being barbaric that we invited people like Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (the president of Iran), Mohammed Omar (leader of the Taliban) and others like them to start a war that wont stop until one side blows the other into oblivion. I'm sorry if anyone is offended by this but it is true. We will never have true peace in the mid east.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Police's use of Tasers

As any Canadian has heard quite a lot of lately, people across the nation have been in a rut about police officers and their use of tasers to subdue criminals. There have been 26 reported deaths due to taser use from police officers in the past couple of years and now people are thinking that the police are out to get criminals without caring for their safety. What people cant realize is that after reports of taser deaths come in it could take months to get standards changed for their use. The police is a huge organization. First they would have to get the people and scientists at the company where they got the tasers from to find a safer way to use them. Then they have to ship out how ever many tasers to however many police forces across the country. Then the police forces have to have rules established for their use before any kind of standard can come to be.

Of course after any one hears that they will say "Oh then you need to change the system. Well if you have any ideas pass em along because the main problem with the type of country we live in is that it is slow and whenever the 'Human Element' gets put into a system there are bound to be mistakes. So If you have an idea that can take the human element out of our system of power and law then you're smarter than me because in my opinion this is the best we got.

I've made a decision

I've had some comments lately about how random my blog posts are, and although I can agree they are a bit sporadic I thought the name of the blog would have explained it. Well since it has not I've created a new blog for anything music related. It is at the address and is purely about music. So I hope you will all enjoy it.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Just a little thing

Over the past couple of weeks I have been hearing that people think I'm not religious. I would like to clear something up. I believe in god. I am a christian and a soon to be member of the United Church of Canada. I also believe in evolution. My philosophy on life is that you need a balance in between faith and reason. If you have to much faith then you're just a blind rag doll who does what every one else tells them to. If you have to much reason then you do what I used to do (go around telling people they are wrong about everything). With a balance you have enough sense to know when people are "BSing" you but enough belief to know that this isn't it.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Power Ballads

As many of you have probably been able to deduce about me, I am a music lover. I listen to my favourite tunes whenever I get the chance. So obviously I was extatic when I found out my mother was getting a computer and I would be allowed to upload Frostwire. I've had it for 3 days and I've uploaded over 150 songs already. Well when I realized that I needed to make some mixed Cd's so I could listen to these wihout the computer I went searching for some way to divide my songs so I could have some order to my mix CD's (and yes I know that is somewhat Oxy-moronic). So I came up with the obvious ones; Metal, Alternative & Punk, and Prog Rock. Then I had like 14 songs left over that didn't really fit in the other categories. Songs like It's Hrad for Me to Say I'm Sorry by Chicago, I'll Remember You by Skid Row, and Every Rose has It's Thorn by Poison. So I decided to make a POWER BALLADS list.

One of the most popular forms of music in the 80's (now referred to has Hair Metal) was known for it's grungy, heavy sound. For about five years they ruled the charts. But around 1985 people started to want the softer side of music again. And the power ballad was born. Songs that had a softer more unplugged sound but still had that powerfull gut wrenching guitar solo. Bands from all over started spilling their guts out with deep and profound lyrics about love and heart break.
Although many music historians consider this to be the start of the breakdown of the 80's hair metal scene, they still acknowledge that these songs were some of the best.

So just for fun I've put together a list of my favourite power ballads including some that were not from the 80's.

15. 1979-The Smashing Pumpkins
Although it came out in the alternative rock scene it is one of the most mellow songs ever written. It talks about easier times when kids could be kids and didn't have a care in the world. Since it's realease t has always been considered one of the Smashing Pumpkins best tracks.

14. I Can't Stop Loving You-Van Halen
In my opinion the last great Van Halen tune was a major hit in 1995. With that beautiful guitar riff and pounding bass line it let people know that Van Halen was still around (even if not for long).

13.Hard to say I'm Sorry-Chicago
One of Chicago's greatest songs has been a wedding staple since it's release. Although it has been lost among the recent generation, parents will still sing along when it somes on the radio.

12.November Rain-Guns N' Roses
Axl and Slash's Masterpiece. This near nine minute epic has the longest and one of the greatest solos in history. Released on Use Your Illusion 1 in 1991 it has become a staple of the GNR catalogue.

11.Sister Christian-Night Ranger
Just like #13 this song hasa been lost upon the younger audience but if you go to any classic rock bar you will surely hear this track.

10.Hysteria-Def Leppard
The title track from their greatest album is one of the beloved songs among Leppard fans. It has that slow-but-not-to-slow speed that is perfect for slow dancing.

9.Love Rears It's Ugly Head-Living Colour
This song has all the necessary components to be a power ballad. The deep soulful voice, The guitar solo, and the gut wrenching chorus. The one thing that makes it an odd choice is the style of music it is. It is not the usual Metal style but a funk rock song.

8.I Wanna know what Love Is-Foreigner
This is a song that everyone knows. It is on every soft rock compilation out there and is still selling on Itunes today.

7. Dont Cry-Guns N' Roses
GNR's second entry on the list is an incredibly popular song that is still played on classic rock stations today.

6.Last Kiss-Pearl Jam
The most recent member of the list is a cover of an incredibly popular song. The reason that this stands tall among all the other covers is Eddie Vedder's voice. He just sings effortlessly but with emotion.

5.Every Rose has it's Thorn-Poison
Another song that everyone knows. This song has been the one song that has kept Poison popular through the decades.

4.I Remeber You-Skid Row
This song is another lesser known track on our list. There isn't alot more to be said. It's just a flat out amazing song.

3.Is This Love-Whitesnake
This song known more for it's video than anything else is still played at dances today. With Dave Coverdale's voice wailing through the speakers you just cant help but sing along.

2.Love Bites-Def Leppard
Their most populr song and the second one on this list is a template for every ballad that has come since.

1.Don't Stop Believing-Journy
Was anyone really suprised. This is the song that people sing when their drunk, sad, happy, in love, hell they sing it any time it comes over the radio. Everyone knows the lyrics and unlike the cococabana they aren't embaressed to show em. This is the power ballad.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Hello readers

Hello everyone. As you may have noticed, I have been on a bit of a dry spell lately. I've run out of things to talk about. Well I haven't run out. I'm just out of things to write a lot about. So instead of giving up something I really enjoy, I will start to blog about lighter, and smaller topics. I should start sometime after the break with my new posts. I won't completely give up my old 4 paragraph posts but until some more exciting stuff happens in the world I'll be on a bit of a sabbatical.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Hello loyal readers. I'm sorry about my lack of posts recently, I've just been sick and haven't had the time. If anyone has any post ideas then please send them my way on the comment board.

I made a video and have uploaded it onto Youtube.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Realization #2

In case any of you have just started reading my blog, over the past year I have been very confused at times about my beliefs. Religion has always been something very important to me. It has been a blessing and a curse. It allows me to have a way to explain my life but it also gives me a reason to doubt the existence of a god.

Last year, I was going to go through confirmation at my church but I was worried because of my thoughts on the "Big Bang" Theory, and evolution among other things. I thought that I couldn't believe in evolution and god without being a hypocrite. So instead of talking to my pastor about it I just made a billion lies of omission so that everyone around me could go on living while I thought about what I should do.

Well lately things have been coming into focus. I've started to realize how I'm not a hypocrite and why. I've finally realized how you can never be sure in faith. You can't be certain. If you think that you are completely certain in your faith then you are not only ignorant but a hypocrite.

It is a fact that almost 90% of Christians have never read the bible cover to cover. I have (It took a long time). The one thing that I learned from that experience was how many parts of the bible have another part that contradicts it. Because of that 1 simple fact, I was able to realize that all the people who would put their lives in the hands of the bible and god on pure blind faith are hypocrites. I know this one girl who preaches that god is the only way and all who do not give their lives to him are going to hell. But when I ask her about rules from the bible (i.e eating shrimp, rabbit, pig, wearing two different fabrics together) she openly acknowledges that she does them until I mention that they are rules from the bible.

Last weekend I went to an inter-presbytery event to learn about lent. While I was there I found meaning in something I'd never found any profound meaning in before. The cross. Anyone who knows their history knows that the cross the the church uses is inaccurate. The Christian church has been using a lower case "t" to display how Christ was crucified for who knows how long. The one thing that not that many people know is that in ancient Rome the cross used for crucifixions was in the shape of an upper case "T". So to explain the meaning I found in the cross last weekend.

The cross is the perfect example of how to have faith you need to have doubt. It shows that the church and the bible is filled with misconceptions and contradictions. It shows that to have faith you do not need to put your entire life in the hands of your faith. It shows that everything in the bible is not true word for word and it should be left up to interpretation by the individual who reads it. It shows that you need a mix in between faith and reason to lead the life you want to live.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Requested Topic

Someone finally requested a topic I can do something with. My friend S##### suggested that I should write a post about "friends" who take advantage of their "friends". I happen to know a few people who do this and think that they are horrible horrible people. Just a note, I'm not used to this type of writing so if it's not up to my usual standard don't be surprised. So anyways, onto the post.

Picture this: A "friend" asks you if they can borrow some notes before the next period starts. Any normal person would say yes becasue they expect the other person to hold up their part of the bargain. But no this person decides to keep the notes for the rest of the day. Now what would you do in this situation. I know that I'd reprimand (there are much harsher words I could have used) this person and probably begin to have doubt in their ability keep promises.

Now picture this: A person who does that, plus takes answers from you in class. Bugs you with their homework dilemmas all the time and then brags that they are smarter than everybody. What would you do. Well here's what you can do.

1. Tell them off and stop conversing with them.
2. Give them another chance and if they fail again revert to option one.
3. Be pushover and continue to take the abuse until the end of semester.

What you do is up to you but personally I would go to option one.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Slasher Flicks

Yes I know that this is a much lighter topic than I've had recently. I'm just in a more not-so-serious mood as of late. So onto the main event.

Recently I took it upon myself to do something not many people would willingly do. I decided to watch the entire Friday the 13th movie series. It took me a whole long weekend to do but I got through it. The one conclusion I drew from that series was, "how could legendary movies like Psycho, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Halloween inspire someone to make this heap of crap." I'm sorry to any fans of the series, but I just hate those movies. So then I got to thinking about the whole slasher genre. From it's earliest roots in Psycho to it's latest additions like Prom Night, the slasher genre has always been interesting in North American culture. Although 90% of these movies have horrible actors, directors, writers, and producers, people continue to shell out their money to go see them. I've always found this interesting, so after I had finished watching the Friday the 13th series I decided to come up with a guide to slasher films. I have a list of good ones, mediocre ones, bad ones, and unwatchable ones.

A Nightmare on Elm Street 1
Halloween 1
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Scream 1
Scream 2
Saw 1
Saw 2
Evil Dead
Evil Dead 2

Black Christmas (1974)
Prom Night (1980)
Scream 3
I Know What You Did Last Summer
Halloween 2
Friday the 13th 1
Sleepaway Camp
Saw 3
Saw 4
Saw 5
Halloween (2007)
Final Destination
Final Destination 2
Wes Craven's New Nightmare

Friday the 13th 2, 3, and 12 (2009)
A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 and 3
Halloween 3
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer
Final Destination 3
Freddy Vs Jason

Friday the 13th 4-10
Nightmare On Elm Street 4-6
Halloween 4-9
And last but not least any slasher movie from the past decade that was not in another category

Just to finish this off I suggest that no one should ever watch all of these movies like I did. I think I dropped a couple IQ points.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I am sorry

I used the wrong example to explain my point. I want to clarify my point from earlier.
I have nothing against black history month.
I think its great to recognize the men and women of the past that made a difference for the cause of equality.
My point was never supposed to imply that I think it is bad to do so.
My point was simply "You can not say that you want racial equality but also make it special to be black. Because then it's not equality, it's superiority. Anyone who says it's special to be part of their race and still wants equality is a hypocrite."

I am sorry to all who were offended.

Monday, March 2, 2009

My problem with the Black, Woman, and any other racial movement you can think of

I want equality. There is no good reason that women or African Americans, or Asian Americans or any other race or sex should be discriminated against. My problem with the whole equality movement can be summed up with one word. SUPERIORITY. You hear many black men saying that they want racial equality and yet they make a big hoopla about black history month. YOU CAN NOT HAVE BOTH. You can not say that you want racial equality but also make it special to be black. Because then it's not equality, it's superiority. Anyone who says it's special to be part of their race and still wants equality is a hypocrite.

I do have another problem with the equality movement. RELIGION. Religious people are saying that it is OK to be black or any other race. But when it comes to being gay, they want to stone you. I have family members who are gay. There is nothing wrong with being gay or anything else in this world. So to conclude, The equality movement should be restarted so that people are striving for EQUALITY, not SUPERIORITY.

Friday, February 13, 2009

My Sad Realization

Today I was sitting at home watching Friends and listening to my sisters bitch about stuff and I realized something really sad. It was the episode with Pheobe's boyfriend the creepy shrink. When he told chandler that his use of sarcasm was textbook and why I heard my Sisters bitching. She said that she wanted my dad to put her to bed tonight. She is ten years old and was whining about this. That's when it hit me. Why my sister is so clingy. Why I'm so awkward around girls. Why I'm a pessimist. Why I only have 3 real friends. Why I like being alone. My parents divorce. Now I know that 75% (or something like that) of marriages divorce now a days but there is something different about mine. When my parents split i was in grade 3. I was 9 years old. I had no one. Sure I had my friends but they're not the same. My sisters had each other and they were to young to go through what I went through. At that stage in life, all is supposed to be good. Kids shouldn't know about all the tragedies and horrors of the world. They should be fine for another couple of years. With me, I was alone a lot. I had enormous amounts of time where I developed a hate for many people and many things. At nine years old I realized that the world is a horrible place. I became cynical, pessimistic and distant. I lost a year or so of my life. When I was supposed to be learning how to act around girls, how to act around adults, how I should carry myself, I was having deep theological thought about how bad the world was. Because of that realization at such a young age I became depressed and anti-social.

Shrinks tell you that the reason its hard for the kid in that age group to go through their parents separation is because they blame themselves. It's not true. It's because they are at a critical stage in their development where they go through events that will shape them into who they are going to be. If they miss out on that stage in life and skip onto the rebellious teenager cycle straight away, they will be so socially awkward that they become depressed. Eventually they'll get to where I'm at. being a critical, cynical, pessimistic, over analyzing, son of a bitch who wants nothing more than to fit in but is never given the chance because everyone around him has already chose a group of friends with little or no room to let him in.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Taking a Break

I've sort of run out of ideas to blog about plus my homework load has tripled in my new semester so I will be indefinitely taking a break from blogging.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sorry for the Break

Sorry for the break in posting. With exams and a new semester, well you know how it is. Well without any further ado, tonight's topic; album reviews. This is not something I have always wanted to do so bear with me. I won't only stick to music, I will also start reviewing movies and other assorted entertainment outlets. Tonight I'm going to give the names of 3 older albums that anyone should listen to. Hopefully there will be something on here for everyone.

For the classic rock lover in some of you we have Loverboy's Loverboy. One of the greatest Canadian rock albums of all time, 1980's Loverboy brought out the world the best new Canadian rock band since April Wine. With great tracks like Turn Me Loose and The Kid is Hot Tonite this album shows off Loverboy's musical chops extremely well. This album's has had such a lasting impact that many of the songs from it are still played at sports games across the continent. I give it 1 8.5 stars out 0f 10.

For the soft spoken out there, we have Jeff Buckly's only full album, Grace. This album a definitive contender for the greates album of all time. With hits like Grace and Last Goodbye, and the mega hit Halelujia, this album delivers all the goods. With Buckly's beautiful voice this album can bring almost anyone to tears. I give it a 9 stars out of 10.

For the hard rockers out there we have Guns N' Roses' Appetite for Destruction. In my opinion, the greatest album of the 80's. It has everything you need in a good rock album. The heavy riff driven head bangers (Welcome to The Jungle), the sweet love songs with that necessary kick (Sweet Child O' Mine) and the arena rock staples (Paradise City). This is one of my top ten albums of all time and possibly the greatest virgin album ever made. 9.5 out of 10.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Good job Iggy

Michael Ignatieff did exactly what was necessary yesterday. He effectively put a stop to all the Conservative B.S. by putting the government on parole. He did exactly what the opposition party should do with a minority government. Make sure that the government does what is best for the country, not just what is right for their party. The even better part of Ignatieff's plan is that it helps his party out to. Not only does he give a moderately good budget a chance, he also gives his party a chance to recover from last year's election. Personnaly I think that Iggy's plan is to take some time before taking down the government. He will allow the tories to keep power until they act recklessly again. Once they make a mistake or stop acting for the good of the country, there will three further chances to take them out of power. Once in March, once in June, and once in December.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

40th Canadian parliament

Yesterday, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty announced the long awaited budget. The topic of what would be in the budget and how the Liberal Party would react to it have been in debate since Governor General Michaƫlle Jean prorogued parliament last December. With the economy still sinking slowly into a constantly deepening abyss, the question on the minds of Canadians is what is Michael Ignatieff is going to do with the budget that King Stephen has handed him. Before I get into his options I'll just go into some of the details surrounding the budget.

Does anyone else think that Jim Flaherty's budget sounded well, very liberal? They did not balance their books to create a surplus.They actually presented a budget that made sense (well except for the tax cuts). They went against every instinct that the conservatives have shown over the years (again except for the tax cuts) and have a budget that looks like the one a liberal government would present.

The one thing that this budget is above all else is political. The Tories know that the NDP and BQ will vote against the budget because they have lost confidence in the house of commons. They also know that if the liberals decide to vote against them they would lose power to the coalition or force an election.

Because of these two important facts the Tories know that the Canadian public would be turned off by a regular Tory budget in these hard economic times because they had a chance to listen to the opposition and didn't. So instead of making a true Tory budget, they went with a budget that would please everyone (or almost everyone). This way they would have a better chance of staying in power.

So right now Michael Ignatieff has a couple of options. He can support the budget and give the liberal party a chance to recover before an election. He can vote the Torries down and hope that the canadian public will understand why he did it during an election. He can go to the Governor General and ask her to give the Coalition a chance to govern. Or he can ask the Tories to make some ammendmants to their budget before giving support. All of these options could pay off big for the liberals, but they could also send Iggy's popularity down the toilet. All i can hope for is that this whole game of poiltical football ends so we can get down to the buisness of helping Canadiens.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Oscar Reality

Best Picture Nominees 4/5
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Reader instead of the Dark Knight
Slumdog Milionaire

Best Actor Nominees
Mickey Rourke for the Wrestler
Sean Penn for Milk
Richard Jenkins for The Visitor instead of Leo Dicaprio
Brad Pitt for Benjamin Button
Frank Langella for Frost/Nixon

Best Actress Nominees
Meryl Streep for Doubt
Angelina Jolie for Changeling
Anne Hathaway for Rachel Getting Married
Melissa Leo for Frozen River
Kate Winslet for The Reader

Best Supporting Actor
Heath Ledger for The Dark Knight
Philip Seymour Hoffman for Doubt
Josh Brolin for Milk
Robert Downey Jr for Tropic Thunder
Michael Shannon for Revolutionary Road

Best Supporting Actress
Penelope Cruz for Vicky Christina Barcelona
Viola Davis for Doubt
Amy Adams for Doubt
Marissa Tomei for The Wrestler
Taraji P Henson for Benjamin Button

Best Director Nominations
Gus Van Sant for Milk
Stephen Daldry for The Reader
Dan Boyle for Slumdog Millionaire
Ron Howard for Frost/Nixon
David Fincher for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Oscar Noms Tommorow

Tomorrow the Academy Award Nominations come out and I'm waiting intently for them. I made my early picks for the "best" films and now I'm going to make my final picks.

Best Picture Nominees
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Dark Knight
Slumdog Milionaire

Best Actor Nominees
Mickey Rourke for the Wrestler
Sean Penn for Milk
Leonardo Dicaprio for Revolutionary Road
Brad Pitt for Benjamin Button
Frank Langella for Frost/Nixon

Best Actress Nominees
Meryl Streep for Doubt
Angelina Jolie for Changeling
Anne Hathaway for Rachel Getting Married
Sally Hawkins for Happy Go Lucky
Kate Winslet for Revolutionary Road

Best Supporting Actor
Heath Ledger for The Dark Knight
Philip Seymour Hoffman for Doubt
Josh Brolin for Milk
Robert Downey Jr for Tropic Thunder
James Franco for Milk

Best Supporting Actress
Penelope Cruz for Vicky Christina Barcelona
Viola Davis for Doubt
Amy Adams for Doubt
Kate Winslet for The Reader
Marissa Tomei for The Wrestler

Best Director Nominations
Gus Van Sant for Milk
Christopher Nolan for The Dark Knight
Dan Boyle for Slumdog Millionaire
Ron Howard for Frost/Nixon
David Fincher for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

So I hope that my picks are right but most of time they are not so.....

Monday, January 19, 2009

Exciting News (It's a bit sporadic so watch out)

Okay, first thing I'd like to say is that in the past week there have been 32 hits on the site and the first intercontinental hit from someone in south Africa so thank you.

Next thing is 24 IS BACK I'm very happy that 24 has finally returned to TV and is better than ever. Tony, Bill, Jack, the whole crew is back and has compelling as ever.

Next thing is that tomorrow is the inauguration of Barack Obama the 44th (correct me if I'm wrong) President of the United States. Finally someone who has a hope of changing things in this world.

Next up is the crisis in Gaza. Now before you condemn me for saying this, hear me out. I think that Israel was completely justified in their invasion. Hamas has been unjustly attacking Isreal for months so the invasion was justified. So now for the news, there is a cease fire to give Gaza a chance to stop their rocket attacks. Hopefuly it will end but if it dosent Israel will be 100% justified in whatever there next actions are.

So thats the end of my little Exciting News segment. Hopefully you will be as excited as I am.

Friday, January 16, 2009


Being in high school obviously means that first semester exams are coming up right around the corner (this week coming up for me). They make us teenagers stressed to our limits and for the first time grade nines. Ooh, it is insane how nervous I am right now. I am extremely lucky with my exams because only one of them is formal so I get a couple days off during exam week. But I can't imagine what some of the people with 3 or even 4 formal exams must be feeling right now. I know that I should really be studying right now but Blogging calms me so I can study later on.

Well now that that's over with, how about some tips. Sure parents will always give the "study-hard-and-don't-wait-until-the-last-minute" speech but I don't think that entirely the right way to go. I think whats better is to evenly spread out your time. If you have 3 exams like I do, you should take the time you have which for me is 2 days for 2 exams and then 3 days for the last one, and spread your study time out. So say you have a french exam first. When you wake up on the Saturday morning before the exam you should; listen to music, play video games, eat before noon. Make sure you have had a good lunch and around 12:30 start to study. Go hard for two and a half hours then take a break. Do an hour of something you like. Have fun and then go back and continue. It will seriously lower your stress level.

Next tip should be listen to music while studying. I do not know if it helps everyone the same way it helps. i just know that listening to my favorite music while studying blocks out all outside stimuli and lets me concentrate on the task at hand. Plus it adds enjoyment in to the pain in the ass that studying is.

Then comes exam day. Here are my tips for that dreadful day.
1. The best tip is not to panic. It will let you keep your head clear.
2. Think every answer through.
3. When doing multiple choice questions, GO WITH YOUR GUT. Thinking things there is bad.
4. Do not under any circumstances doubt your self. You are smart and your brain likes getting things right so doubting yourself is equal to confusing your self.
5.Make sure you read the entire question. 50% of all mistakes come from people who read half the question and do it wrong.

So, hopefully these will help you all out.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Im dissapointed

Not that I don't like typing to myself but its always nice to get comments or results in a poll I put up. I'm actually very happy that there are people that read this blog that don't know me personally. It's satisfying that some people like my writing style and respect my opinions. So all I'm saying is that comments on what you would like to hear about or things you do and dont like would be very nice.

So since I don't like leaving things unfinished I'm going to post my list of the top 20 drummers in my order. Hopefully you will comment and leave your favorites.

1. Neil Peart of Rush
2. John Bonham of Led Zeppelin
3. Keith Moon of The Who
4. Phil Collins of Genesis
5. Chad Smith of the Red Hot Chili Peppers
6. Stuart Copeland of The Police
7. Tommy Lee of Motley Crue
8. Travis Barker of Blink 182
9. Dave Grohl of Nirvana
10. Joey Jordison of Slipknot
11. Rick Allen of Def Leppard
12. Carl Palmer of Emerson Lake and Palmer
13. Ginger Baker of Cream
14. Alex Van Halen of Van Halen
15. Bill Ward of Black Sabbath
16. Roger Taylor of Queen
17. Nick Menza Megadeath
18. Lars Ulrich of Metallica
19. Moe Carlson of Protest the Hero
20. John Dolmayan of System of a Down

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Top 20 rock Drummers list

As I promised I have my list of the top twenty Rock Drummers of all time. This list was created by My friend Ry and I and if you dont know a name from the list then Google him.

So here we go. (This list is in no particular order.... yet)

Neil Peart of Rush
John Bonham of Led Zeppelin
Keith Moon of The Who
Travis Barker of Blink 182
Joey Jordison of Slipknot
Phil Collins of Genesis
Chad Smith of the Red Hot Chili Peppers
Stuart Copeland of The Police
Tommy Lee of Motley Crue
Dave Grohl of Nirvana
Moe Carlson of Protest the Hero
Rick Allen of Def Leppard
John Dolmayan of System of a Down
Carl Palmer Emerson Lake and Palmer
Ginger Baker of Cream
Bill Ward of Black Sabbath
Roger Taylor of Queen
Nick Menza Megadeath
Lars Ulrich of Metallica
Alex Van Halen of Van Halen

So that is that and now I'm going to post the first poll.
Joey Jordison/Slipknot
Phil Collins/Genesis
Ginger Baker/Cream
Dave Grohl/Nirvana
And Remember to vote

Friday, January 9, 2009

Pre-Weekend Update

This weekend coming up, I will be starting a new feature of the blog. It will be the Top 20 section. Every couple of weeks i will post a top 20 of something and in groups of four i will post them into surveys. Starting Sunday I will have the top 20 drummers list.

P.S Just a little note. My birthday is this Sunday so.....

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Guilty Pleasures

Guilty Pleasures - Something that would ruin us if our friends knew about it.

Despite my best interests I thought it would be fun for my few faithful readers to hear some things that few people know about me. Despite my knowledge of the mode of the people at any one time I still fall victim to the popular influence. There are some horrible songs I still enjoy listening to. There are some movies that if my friends saw me watching Id probably die of embarrassment.
So here is a short list of things I am embarrassed of.

I enjoy good romantic comedies like When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle, and the American President. I listen to and sometimes dance to songs like Yeah! by Usher or Low by Flo Rida. I enjoy the show the OC. I think its funny (and the girls are total babes(not to sound too objectifying)). I like old Disney movies like Hercules, Aladdin, The Little Mermaid and so forth. They are good movies.

So those are most of the things that almost no one knows about me. They may be laugh worthy and totally embarassing but they are things that I do and enjoy.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Ok since it's finally 2009 I can finally relax. That year was stressful like hell. The elections, the economy, ugh it was not the greatest year on record. but great news is coming our way. Barack Obama is going to be sworn in as the 44th president of the United States. The one hope I have for this ray of sunshine is that his administration works. I hope they can pass the legislation that will bring this world out of it's economic crisis. Hopefully Barack Obama will be the beginning of a long line of democratic presidents.

Next up I want to talk about what's going to happen on the 26th of January. Canadian parliament will be unprorogued and Jim Flarehty will present the federal budget. If the conservative party decides to ignore the other parties recomendations then we may be heading for our 4th federal election in 5 years. No matter how much I'd like to see Stephen Harper out of power I think and hope he will listen to this bleeding world and provide a budget to help it out. If not let me be the first one to kick King Stephen off his throne and hand overthe crown to Michael Ignatieff.

So with all that in mind I'm hoping that 2009 is a good year and that this economic crisis will see its end by the end of it.

About Me

My photo
Hi I'm Jon, an aspiring journalist from Ontario Canada

Television Episodes Hall of Fame

  • Family Ties Speed Trap
  • The Pretender Murder 101
  • House Birthmarks
  • House Alone
  • House The Jerk
  • House Skin Deep
  • House Three Stories
  • Friends The Last One
  • Friends The One With the Football
  • Friends The One With All the Poker
  • Friends The Pilot (The One Where It all Began)
  • Friends The One with the Embryos
  • Star Trek Enterprise In a Mirror Darkly
  • Star Trek Voyager Scorpion
  • Star Trek TNG All Good Things...
  • Star Trek TNG Cause and Effect