My take on everything and anything.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Christianity (I know this is the third time)

I've been thinking quite a lot lately about how Christians of all denominations put their trust and faith into what the bible says. How the bible is the word of god and is 100% true in all ways. Well my problem with that is how no one can know what really happened in those days. We have to take the word of old priests and politicians who used Jesus Christ's teaching to control the people. I have made a choice in recent months when it comes to these things. I choose to put my faith in God not in the bible. The bible is obviously a tainted document because of how many different languages and people it has been passed down through. There are other documents such as the gnostic gospels that in my opinion show a more realistic view of how everything went down all those years ago. I think that if you put your faith into what makes as much sense as any of this can then god will be pleased.


Rae B said...

wow. That's an interesting opinion.
The thing is, no matter how many translations, the Word is still the Word. If you look at a bible from over a century ago to one made here and now, the only main difference is the language. It's still the same information that God supports. The Bible has been around for... okay I don't know how long, but I believe in it as much as I believe in God.

In one version I remember reading, Genesis 1:1 said, "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God."
Or something along those lines. It wasn't my Bible so I can't find it to double check. The point is, God is as much a Part of the Bible as the Trinity Three in One is God. You can say you believe in God and have faith in Him, but if you don't trust His Word, then that's only half true.

I hope that makes sense!


wwefreakjon said...

Interesting opinion, I disagree because i think that the bible (being writ from 5000 to 2000 years ago) is still a document recorded by humans who by human nature are going to make mistakes or are going to make bad decisions for whatever reasons. There was a line in a show that really describes how my beliefs work. It goes (and I'm paraphrasing) Although Christianity was probably used as a way for priests and politicians to control the masses thousands of years ago, It doesn't mean god doesn't love me.

Rae B said...

Well, you're free in your opinion and I'm free in mine :P

I really don't get the quote though :P

wwefreakjon said...

True enough. The Quote was meant to explain that I believe that the bible was used as a way to control people using religion in the early BCE years.

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Hi I'm Jon, an aspiring journalist from Ontario Canada

Television Episodes Hall of Fame

  • Family Ties Speed Trap
  • The Pretender Murder 101
  • House Birthmarks
  • House Alone
  • House The Jerk
  • House Skin Deep
  • House Three Stories
  • Friends The Last One
  • Friends The One With the Football
  • Friends The One With All the Poker
  • Friends The Pilot (The One Where It all Began)
  • Friends The One with the Embryos
  • Star Trek Enterprise In a Mirror Darkly
  • Star Trek Voyager Scorpion
  • Star Trek TNG All Good Things...
  • Star Trek TNG Cause and Effect