My take on everything and anything.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Good job Iggy

Michael Ignatieff did exactly what was necessary yesterday. He effectively put a stop to all the Conservative B.S. by putting the government on parole. He did exactly what the opposition party should do with a minority government. Make sure that the government does what is best for the country, not just what is right for their party. The even better part of Ignatieff's plan is that it helps his party out to. Not only does he give a moderately good budget a chance, he also gives his party a chance to recover from last year's election. Personnaly I think that Iggy's plan is to take some time before taking down the government. He will allow the tories to keep power until they act recklessly again. Once they make a mistake or stop acting for the good of the country, there will three further chances to take them out of power. Once in March, once in June, and once in December.

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Hi I'm Jon, an aspiring journalist from Ontario Canada

Television Episodes Hall of Fame

  • Family Ties Speed Trap
  • The Pretender Murder 101
  • House Birthmarks
  • House Alone
  • House The Jerk
  • House Skin Deep
  • House Three Stories
  • Friends The Last One
  • Friends The One With the Football
  • Friends The One With All the Poker
  • Friends The Pilot (The One Where It all Began)
  • Friends The One with the Embryos
  • Star Trek Enterprise In a Mirror Darkly
  • Star Trek Voyager Scorpion
  • Star Trek TNG All Good Things...
  • Star Trek TNG Cause and Effect